Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shocking News: September 16th, 1938

September 16th 1938.
Manix Marloe hit me with a bit of news last night that I'm not sure how to handle. According to him Delila's brother Horus was seen running away from a Normal attack in the Park Blocks a few nights ago. It was hard news to swallow considering his affiliation with the Council and his relationship to my lady. I'm still not convinced Marloe is seeing things square on this... he's never been a fan of my involvement with a Vamp... none of his damn business I always tell him, but he likes to kick up a rumpus from time to time. Testing me. It's all a mug can do not to plant a knuckle brick in his kisser when he gets like that.
After he left the office, I pulled in Sylus Sly and Barry Baritone... these two are the newest recruits in Our Fair City's crusade to protect the Normals. Strange fellas... work in tandem. Sly is a bladed weapons expert and Barry is almost as good with his bare hands. Seein' these two fight side by side is an inspiration. Not that I'd let em in on that opinion... just sayin'. It's like a damned dance number... Lyla was smart to pull them into the team.
I let them in on the rumor and sent em off to scout it out. I hope Marloe is wrong, the last thing I need is my doll's brother standing between me and my job. Not sure how she'd take me stakin' him. But if he is playin' both sides of the portal I'm not going to be able to ignore it.
On a side note, Billie's been hinting that she isn't happy in her job no more. Not sure what her trouble is but I would be hard pressed to find a more qualified dame to run things in the front office. Gonna have ta figure a way to smooth thing over or she might blow. And though it pains me to say it...this is one dame I don't wanna see blow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dex Diary Entry: Sept 15th, 1938

Sept. 15th 1938:
After my little chat with Fritz, it seemed like a good time to take a stroll to Spook Town. Frank and De should be aware of what I learned. Frank is well connected on their side having the only speak easy worth speaking about over there. Every Thing in Spook Town ends up at his place... and a lot of dirty dealing is done during Delila's dancing doll show.
Beside the acquisition of news, it would be great to see old Delila again. Just to be clear, when I say 'old' it ain't a put down. Delila is old, literally... she's three hundred if she's a day... not that you'd ever see her during the day... being a Vamp puts the cap on that possibility.
Yeah, she's a Vamp... I am romantically involved with a what? As far as I can tell the difference between a Norm Fem and a blood thirsty Vampire is that Vampires don't lie about it while they're draining the life outta ya!
Frank didn't seem surprised to hear the news. Seems he'd been suspecting something like this for a while. A lot of fang wagging had been going on around town and more than a few of the younger (100 years old or so) Vamps had been acting up; despite the Council's warnings. Frank told me he'd get me a list of some Vamps to chat with, and I made my way back to De's dressing room for some much needed R and R... I'll let you figure out what each of the R's are!
After a while Delila and I emerged to find her older brother, Horus, hanging around the bar. Horus is alright... not too happy about De and I... but what brother would be? I'm sure he thinks she'll get tired of me soon and drain me once and for all. He might be right as dames can be fickle, undead or not. Frank and I asked Horus if he had been privy to any Vamp unrest as he serves on the Council with Frank... he hadn't heard anything but told us he'd look into it too.
Makes me feel good knowing everyone is so willing to help guide a dick in the right direction. I said my good-byes and came back home to Our Fair City.
When I got back to the office, I found Manix Marlow there... and what he had to tell me shocked me to the core.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

September 13th 1938

(an excerpt from Dex Dixon's Personal Diary)
Sept 13th 1938:
Took a walk to City Park West tonight trailing a lead on a couple Were's. The word is these dogs have been terrorizing Norms every night. Generally I look the other way long as no one gets hurt, but with Vamp activity on the rise, and the frequency of the reports, a mug can't be too careful. If nothing else it was an opportunity to get some answers.
After a quick sweep of the area I decided to cool my heals and wait em out. It wasn't long till a couple of hair-bags rolled into my sight. A couple of mangy Weres, wild and up to no good. I confronted em and one of the fools tried to bite me. I smacked him on the kisser with a rolled up post and sent him running with a crotch full of tail and some big sad eyes. The other one wasn't so lucky. I decided to take him for a walk on a very short leash.
The Were's name is Fritz, it turns out, and he and his litter have been digging into Our Fair City deeper and deeper each night for weeks now. He wasn't too interested in spilling his guts to me, but if ya know how to talk to a Were you'd be surprised how much information you can squeeze out. I know how to communicate, and I know how to squeeze. Fritz opened up like a ripe melon...gave me a few names to follow up on concerning some pesky Vamps I been trailing...turns out the Weres been working for em scouting territories out and reporting back. Seems like they are using them as a probe in preparation of a full scale invasion. A Vamp invasion of our side ain't something I'm interested in let happen.
I let the mangy Fritz go after I smacked him around some and gave him a message for his boss! City off limits, no vacancy! And he ran off into the night leaving me with a few answers, a lot more questions, and hands that smell like a wet dog.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

DEX DIXON Diary Uncovered

Date Line July 12th 2010.
Story by : Scoops Collins III

Long after the disappearance of legendary Paranormal Investigator, Dex Dixon. The police of Our Fair City have been holding on to personal items abandoned in Dixon's off ice back in 1949. Though many have sought to view these items in days past, they were always met with opposition from the Police Department and City Hall. Now however, a little over sixty years since Dixon vanished, his possessions have become declassified and made public once more.
This reporter was one of the first in line to view some of these treasures. And what I uncovered has to be the most amazing story that I have had the privilege to report.
As some of you may know I am a third generation reporter. My Grandfather Scoops Collins Sr. had a friendship with Dex Dixon during his reign as king Spook Dick. Due to that friendship, Dex had promised to deliver to my grandfather certain documents if anything should ever happen to him. And then something did. And the city swooped in and confiscated every earthly possession Mr. Dixon had accumulated over the years.
Since 1949 my family has been battling in City Hall to have restored to us what was rightfully ours. Dex Dixon's Diary. And yesterday, faithful readers, that is precisely what happened.
And now, sixty years later I am in a position to tell you the events that lead up to his mysterious vanishing act. In fact the story goes much further back. The diary documents events ten years prior to those occurring in Oct or 1949. And soon I will be sharing that story with you, faithful and excited readers!
Beginning next week I will bring you the Pre-Episodic Adventures of Dex Dixon: Paranormal Dick. But you must be a follower of this exclusive Blog so join us today and follow along as I reveal the history behind one of Our Fair City's greatest heros. Dex Dixon.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

InvestedIn Donation Site On Line

So you wanna be in pictures? Or at least involved in the creation of one. Well here is a chance to help out our amazing series and get in on the action. Steve has set up a donation site with InvestedIn an on line donation site. With your donation of $1000.00 you can be involved in a major scene in the film as a classic movie monster. Werewolf, Zombie, or Vampire OH MY! With a guaranteed screen appearance, a copy of the DVD when completed, A signed Movie Poster and Production credit in the credits of the episodes and final film and on our web site. For all the details please visit InvestedIn. And for updates, and production information visit us at the official Dex Dixon Site.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wow...modern times. Now I can blog from my phone. Ohhhhhhh......

Friday, February 26, 2010

What's Up With My Dick?

Never fear faithful followers! Dex is still creeping steadily forward. We have been bogged down with details of late, our writer/star has been a little busy playing Max Bialystock in "The Producers" and that has pushed us back a bit. Plans still in motion to shoot a Dexiverse Tale and a test shoot for episode one.
Unlike our other shorts and films, Dex requires a bit more planning. We really have something special here and we have no intention of doing this project half-assed. No we will give this project the full-ass treatment.
We still move forward developing music, chatting with Christina Kortum about effects make-up...and speculating on how we can raise the money to pull this hummer off! Believe me this will blow your socks off.
Till next time! Keep an eye out for our favorite Dick!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Moving Forward...Slowly but Movement None The Less

Hey there to all 3 of our loyal followers. We are slowly and steadily solidifying our Dex plans. Creating new events and features, forging new friendships and gathering resources to make Dex Dixon as great as it can be. So many wonderful people have expressed interest in the project or have signed on to be a part of it.
I have musicians working on an original score and I have written some original songs...yes, songs. You have to know that every director wants to shoot a musical...and though this isn't fully a musical, it does have some musical numbers tucked away inside.
I have also aquired permisssion to use the amazing song "I Scare Myself" (go to the Dex Dixon site and check out "The Buzz" page to hear a sample of it).
I have been speaking to Portland's finest Special Effects make-up artist, Christina Kortum, about the look of our Spooks! Very exciting stuff. I will keep you informed as we continue.